热搜:南怀瑾 |证严上人


吴景平 林孝庭 主编
54 元
16 开


       保存历史、还原历史,是我们的初衷;进一步阐明历史、从历史中学习,是我们的心愿。自2004年起,复旦与胡佛的学者开始合作整理与研究胡佛典藏的近代中国人物档案。2005年,双方合作举办了“近代中国档案文献研究” 学术研讨会;2006年共同举办“宋子文与战时中国(1937—1945)”学术研讨会。为了更进一步推动中国近代史研究的合作交流,并促进有关机构及时开放历史档案文献,双方决定共同编辑和不定期出版“复旦—胡佛近代中国人物与档案文献研究系列”。
       Preface: Hoover Institution and Fudan University Modern China Research Series: Leadership and Archival Documents
       The Hoover Institution is a public policy research center located at Stanford University. It is worldrenowned for its scholarship and research on domestic and foreign affairs, and the repository of valuable archival and documentary material from Europe and Asia. Many documents date from before World War Ⅰ.The Hoover Institution Archives is now a repository of the diaries of Chiang Kaishek and his son, Chiang Chingkuo, as well as copies of the vast historical records from the Kuomintang, the dominant political party in China before 1949 when it moved to Taiwan(The Kuomintang remained as the ruling party in Taiwan until 2000).
       Fudan University is the leading university in Shanghai, China, known worldwide for its research facilities in the natural and social sciences. Its Department of History has been researching the work of modern Chinese leaders and their influence on the modernization of China.
       In 2005, Hoover Institution and Fudan University collaborated on the first seminar on the management, collection, and preservation of Chinese materials from the Nationalist period. A second seminar in 2006, “T. V. Soong and Wartime Nationalist China, 1937-1945” was held in Shanghai, and scholars from the United States, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China could now examine the role of T. V. Soong during World War Ⅱ.
       It is from this second seminar that the Hoover Institution and Fudan University are pleased to publish some of these historical documents in a new series, Hoover Institution and Fudan University Modern China Research Series:Leadership and Archival Documents. The first volume presents the telegrams exchanged between T. V. Soong and Chiang Kaishek from 19401943. The second consists of photographs of T. V. Soong, many taken from his personal family album. The third volume is the proceedings of this 2006 seminar.
       Future publications will continue to collect the writings, oral histories, private correspondence, and personal photographs of many major and important figures in modern Chinese history. This series is now promoting an exciting and new understanding of modern China.
       We want to express our deepest gratitude to the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and Fudan University. Their support has made this series possible. We also want to thank the many colleagues, friends, and donors for their participation in this project. We appreciate their hard work, devotion, and generosity to make this series successful.
       Taichun Kuo, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
       Wu Jingping, Department of History, Fudan University
       March 8, 2008


       Wu Jingping is Professor in the Department of History, Fudan University.He received a Ph.D. in Law from Renmin University of China in 1990. At Fudan, Dr. Wu is the current Director of China Financial History Center, and the university committee member. He is also appointed as member of the Commission of Academic Degree Appraisal of the State Council, the National Social Science Foundation Appraisal Expert, and the Representative of Shanghai City Congress.
       Dr. Wu's major publications include: (Books) Biography of T. V. Soong;Sino-German Relations during 1861-1992; Select Telegrams between Chiang Kai-shek and T. V. Soong, 1940-1943; T. V. Soong: His Life and Times; T. V. Soong and Wartime Nationalist China,1937-1945; On the Relation between Shanghai Financial Industry and the Nationalist Government; On the Financial Institution in Modern Shanghai. He also has published dozens of papers include "The Migration of the Financial Center in Modem China".
       Hsiao-ting Lin is a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, where he works on the Modern China Archives and Special Collection project. Lin received his D.Phil. in Oriental Studies in 2003 from the University of Oxford, and was elected Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland in 2008.
       Lin has published extensively on modem Chinese politics, history and ethnic minorities. His publications include the award-winning book Tibet and Nationalist China Frontier: Intrigues and Ethnopolitics, 1928-49 (University of British Columbia Press, 2006), T. V. Soong in Modern Chinese History: A Look at his Role in Sino-American Relations in World War II (Hoover Institution Press,2006), Breaking with the Past: The Kuomintang Central Reform Committee on Taiwan, 1950-52 (Hoover Institution Press, 2007), and more than 60 journal articles, book chapters, essays, reviews, and translation works.


       Preface:Hoover Institution and Fudan University Modern China Research Series: Leadership and Archival Documents
       Chinese Version (translation),pp.1-230
       English Version (original), pp.231-486
       Chinese Index, pp.487-495
       English Index, pp.497-505





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