This book is designed for the international students to study Chinese civil law written in English, and is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter is the overview of the Chinese civil law system, while the other chapters introduce the General Part of the Civil Code, the real rights law, the contract law, the tort law, the family law, and the succession law respectively. In addition to the Civil Code and the other related laws, the book also discusses over 40 civil cases decided by the Chinese courts in recent years. It features accurate language, rich resources, and authoritative materials. It may be used as a law textbook for the international students, a reference book for foreign lawyers, as well as teaching materials for upper-class law students and the students majoring in legal English.
Gao Lingyun, Professor of Law, Fudan Law School; member of the Expert Committee for China Law Translation (English) of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, and one of the designated Shanghai Experts of Cross-Border Legal Affairs; member of Oregon and New York State Bar Association,visiting professor/scholar of various prestigious law schools in the U.S. and Europe, authoring several books on the business law, trust law, and common law.
高凌云,复旦大学法学院教授、博士生导师,全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会法律英文译审专家委员会委员,上海市“涉外法律人才”,拥有美国纽约州、俄勒冈州律师资格。曾任欧美著名法学院客座教授、访问学者,代表作包括 Chinese Business Law (合著,美国Thomson West)、《被误读的信托——信托法原论》、《英美合同侵权法》、《英美判例法读写教程》、《英美法审判程序与司法推理》等,主持翻译并出版《美国联邦最高法院判例译述》系列。主要研究与授课领域为英美法、信托法、国际商法、法律英语等。
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview of Chinese Civil Law System
§1:1 General Comments
§1:2 Codification of Chinese Civil Law
§1:2:1 Codification before 1949: Penal Law Codification
§1:2:2 Codification after 1949: Civil Law Codification
§1:2:3 The Latest Achievement: The Civil Code
§1:3 Legal Framework of Chinese Civil Law
§1:4 General Principles of Chinese Civil Law
§1:4:1 Principle of Protection of Lawful Rights and Interests
§1:4:2 Principle of Equality
§1:4:3 Principle of Voluntariness
§1:4:4 Principle of Fairness
§1:4:5 Principle of Honesty and Good Faith
§1:4:6 Principle of Compliance with Law and Public Order
§1:4:7 Principle of Environmental Protection
§1:4:8 Principle of Application of Local Customs
Case 1
§1:5 Protection of Civil Law Rights in China
§1:5:1 Public Remedies
Case 2
Case 3
§1:5:2 Private Remedies
Chapter 2 General Part of the Civil Code
§2:1 Civil Juristic Relationships
§2:1:1 Subjects of Civil Juristic Relationship: Persons of the Civil Law
§2:1:2 Objects of Civil Juristic Relationship
§2:1:3 Civil Law Rights and Obligations
Case 4
§2:2 Persons of the Civil Law
§2:2:1 Natural Persons
Case 5
§2:2:2 Legal Persons
Case 6
§2:2:3 Unincorporated Organizations
§2:3 Civil Law Rights
§2:3:1 Categorization of Civil Law Rights
§2:3:2 The Rights of Personality
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9
Case 10
Case 11
Case 12
§2:4 Juristic Acts
§2:4:1 Juridically Significant Facts
§2:4:2 Juristic Acts
Case 13
Case 14
§2:5 Agency Relationship
§2:5:1 Agency Relationship in General
§2:5:2 Categorization of Agency
§2:5:3 Creation and Termination of an Agency Relationship
§2:5:4 Duties of Agent
§2:5:5 Specific Issues on Agency Relationship
Case 15
§2:6 Limitation Periods
§2:6:1 Overview
§2:6:2 Specific Limitation Periods
§2:6:3 Commencement of Limitation Periods
§2:6:4 Suspension, Interruption, and Extension of the Limitation Period
Case Review
§2:7 Counting of the Periods of Time
§2:8 Civil Liability and Defenses
§2:8:1 Civil Liability
Case 16
§2:8:2 Defenses
Case 17
Chapter 3 Real Rights Law
§3:1 General Introduction
§3:1:1 Principles of the Real Rights Law
§3:1:2 Thing/Property
§3:1:3 Real Rights
§3:1:4 Acquisition of Real Rights
Case 18
§3:1:5 Change to Real Rights
§3:1:6 Public Notice of Real Rights
§3:2 Ownership Rights
§3:2:1 Ownership of the State, Collectives, and Private Individuals
§3:2:2 Ownership of a Building's Units
Case 19
§3:2:3 Contiguous Relationship
Case 20
§3:2:4 Co-Ownership
Case 21
§3:3 Rights to Usufruct
§3:3:1 The Rights to Use Land for Construction Purposes
§3:3:2 The Rights to Use Rural Land
§3:3:3 The Rights to Use House Site
§3:3:4T he Rights of Habitation
§3:3:5 The Rights to Servitudes
§3:4 Security Interests
§3:4:1 The Security System in General
§3:4:2 Mortgage
§3:4:3 Pledge
§3:4:4 Lien
Case 22
Case 23
§3:5 Legal Remedies
Chapter 4 Contract Law
§4:1 General Introduction
§4:1:1 Historical Development and the Sources of Chinese Contract Law
§4:1:2 General Rules
§4:1:3 Types of Contract
§4:2 Concluding a Contract
§4:2:1 Offer
§4:2:2 Acceptance
§4:2:3 Formation of Contract
Case 24
§4:3 Effectiveness of Contract
§4:3:1 Limitations on Effectiveness of Contract
§4:3:2 Basic Elements for Effectiveness of Contract
§4:3:3 Status of Contracts
Case 25
§4:3:4 Legal Effect of a Revoked or Voided Contract
Case 26
§4:4 Performance
§4:4:1 The Principles of Performance
§4:4:2 Defenses to Non-Performance
§4:4:3 Securing Contractual Debts
§4:4:4 Third Parties Involved
Case 27
§4:5 Modification of Contract
§4:5:1 Change of Contract Terms
§4:5:2 Change of Parties
§4:6 Termination of Contract
§4:6:1 Grounds for Termination
§4:6:2 Consequences of Termination
§4:7 Legal Liability
§4:7:1 Default
Case 28
§4:7:2 Remedies
Case 29
§4:8 QuasiContracts
§4:8:1 Negotiorum Gestio
§4:8:2 Unjust Enrichment
Chapter 5 Tort Law
§5:1 General Introduction
§5:1:1 Basis for Finding Tort Liability
§5:1:2 Joint Liability
§5:2 Legal Elements
Case 30
§5:3 Categorization of Torts
§5:3:1 General Torts
Case 31
Case 32
Case 33
§5:3:2 Vicarious Liability Torts
Case 34
Case 35
§5:3:3 Special Torts
§5:3:4 Non-Fault Liability Torts
Case 36
§5:4 Remedies and Defenses
§5:4:1 Overview of Remedies
§5:4:2 Forms of Remedies
§5:4:3 Defenses
Case 37
Chapter 6 Family Law
§6:1 General Introduction
§6:1:1 Historical Development of Chinese Marriage Law
§6:1:2 Principles of Chinese Family Law
§6:1:3 Kinship
§6:2 Entering into Marriage
§6:2:1 Marriage in General
§6:2:2 Legal Requirements for Entering into Marriage
§6:2:3 Marriage Agreement
§6:2:4 Procedure for Entering into Marriage
§6:2:5 Invalid Marriages
§6:3 Spousal Relationship
§6:3:1 The Personal Relationship between Spouses
§6:3:2 The Proprietary Relationship between Spouses
Case 38
§6:4 Relationship between Parents and Children
§6:4:1 Parent-Child Relationship in General
§6:4:2 Children Born out of Wedlock
§6:4:3 Stepchildren
Case 39
Case 40
§6:4:4 Adoption
§6:5 Divorce
§6:5:1 Termination of Marriage in General
§6:5:2 Legal Requirements and Procedure for Divorce
§6:5:3 Legal Consequences of Divorce
§6:6 ForeignRelated Marriages
§6:6:1 Entering into Marriage
§6:6:2 Divorce
Chapter 7 Succession Law
§7:1 General Introduction
§7:1:1 Basic Principles of Chinese Succession Law
§7:1:2 Heirs v. Donees-by-Will
§7:1:3 Rights to Inheritance
§7:2 Intestate Succession
§7:2:1 In General
§7:2:2 Inheritance by Representation and Re-Inheritance
Case 41
§7:3 Testate Succession
§7:3:1 In General
§7:3:2 Ways of Making a Will
§7:3:3 Content of a Will
§7:3:4 Administrator and Executor
§7:3:5 Testamentary Gift and Agreement on Testamentary Gift for Inter Vivos Support
§7:4 Disposal of Estate
§7:4:1 General Principles
§7:4:2 Distribution of Estate
§7:4:3 Disposal of Estate without an Heir or Donee
§7:5 Foreign-Related Succession